JUX Timeline
With that purpose, the JoomlaUX team has an idea to make a JUX TimeLine extension that is a module that allows companies and teams to show their timeline or resume on a vertical line.
AddToAny Share Buttons
This Joomla sharing extension helps people share, save, and email your posts and pages using any service, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google, Reddit, Tumblr, LinkedIn, WhatsApp and well over 100 more sharing and social media sites.
EXT Remove HTML-code
The plugin allows you to remove or replace any HTML-code code page.
Display OpenStreetMap on your site.
Minitek Wall
A masonry layout system for displaying content, ideal for creating all sorts of magical layouts with beautiful animated filtering and pagination.
Custom Canonical
The Custom Canonical plugin provides Joomla administrators with a simple way to create persistent, URL agnostic canonical tags.
A Javascript and PHP solution to the European Cookie Law Issue.
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